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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is taekwondo different from other martial arts?

A: Taekwondo is known for its energetic and effective kicking techniques. The development of the legs enables anyone to generate enough power to defend themselves. Literally translated from the Korean, Tae means "to kick", Kwon means "first" and do means "discipline" or "art". Taekwondo is the art of kicking and punching.

Q: What is a good age to start training?

A: Any age! Our students range in age from 4 to 74. Classes are designed specifically for various age groups and levels of ability. You progress at your own speed along with others of similar capabilities.

Q: Who will teach my child?

A: The lead instructors are all black belt rank, representing many years of experience. They are assisted by various higher belts who take their direction directly from the black belt instructor. Minimally, there is an average of 1 instructor for every 5 students. This enables your child to get personal instruction and attention in every class.

Q: Will my child become too aggressive and start to bully others?

A: Absolutely not! Taekwondo is not just a physical process; it also promotes mental development by building confidence, respect, spirit, loyalty, friendship, teamwork, and self-esteem. The traditional atmosphere emphasizes both self-defense and mental growth, not aggressive behavior.

Q: How long must I train in order to defend myself?

A: This depends on each individual's time and effort, but excellent results can be realized in a short period of time. Promotion from one belt to the next depends upon the student mastering certain techniques for each level. A student who attends class two to three times per week will advance in rank on the average of one belt every 3 months. Promotion indicates skill development and proficiency, and is a good indication of advancing ability.

Q: How do I shop for a school?

A: Find schools in your area that will allow you to watch the students train. Surprisingly, many will either not allow parents to watch, or simply are not set up to enable spectators to view the workouts. Avoid those. Talk with some of the students currently enrolled. They have the real expertise on what you can reasonably expect. Talk to the instructors about any special concerns you might have. Ask about a trial program if you are not sure taekwondo is for you. Most schools have some type of "try before you buy" program; come in and workout for a few weeks and experience taekwondo training first hand!

Q: Why taekwondo? I can get in shape on exercise equipment from the comfort of my home!

A: The world's recrooms are filled with home exercise equipment gathering dust in some corner. It is a rare individual that can get on a home exercise program and stick it out for any length of time. We all need that little push to exercise. You can get that not only from your taekwondo instructor, but also from the many friends you will meet who share a common goal and will provide encouragement and praise as you progress in taekwondo.